Sunday, March 22, 2009

Basics - Google's AdWords auction

A good video on how Google's AdWords works. It is a very clever business model without compromising on user experience.

Have a look.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Offline Gmail !!

Recently I came across this cool new feature from Google Labs about having your Gmail offline !

I tried it out over the weekend and it is really impressive. It asks users to install Google Gears. Gears is a plug-in that extends your browser to create a richer platform for web applications. Once installed, it starts the synchronization. It instantly makes the most recent mails available offline. You can stop the sync anytime and resume later. 

When you lose the internet connection, Gmail automatically switches to offline mode. You can also compose e-mail while offline and Gears will store it in the outbox. Once connected, it will send out the e-mails automatically. So you can write mails without worrying about the internet connectivity.

I had used Gears briefly last year while working on an interesting prototype of making web apps available offline and over Blackberry devices. We were able to get our Web 2.0 application working over Blackberry but could not complete getting it offline using Gears.

Now that I'll have my Gmail offline, I am looking forward to how this will change the way I use Gmail :)