Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hands on with SAP BI OnDemand

SAP BusinessObjects BI OnDemand is a cloud based offering of BI solutions. I have mentioned about this in my earlier post. Today, just to get familiar, I tried few things.  I signed up for the BI OnDemand Personal Edition which is free.

I created data sets by uploading couple of spreadsheets viz. Customer_Data and Customers_Reservations.

Once data sets were available, I could explore the data using SAP BusinessObjects Explorer. See the below screenshot.

Visualizations can be created by a single click from the Explorer window.

Finally, I put my demo visualizations on a single dashboard.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice that you shared here your experience with sap on demand bi service. many options are available for SaaS bi. task is selecting the apt bi solution which is cost effective and effficeint with an awesome support team.
